Choosing The Right Funeral Home

Choosing The Right Funeral Home

Easy Ways To Cut Down On The Cost Of A Funeral

Derek Murphy

If you are in charge of planning a funeral and you need to do so on a budget, you will want to take a few moments to review the following tips.

Ask For A One Day Viewing

Many friends and family will expect to pay their final respects at the funeral home before the deceased is laid to rest. Many people schedule two or three days for a public or private viewing, but each day costs money. In order to save as much money as you can, you may want to talk to the funeral home director about only reserving a viewing room for a single day. This should give friends and family plenty of time to pay their final respects, especially since many funeral homes will give you both a morning and evening viewing time slot for extended family and friends. Close family is usually invited to stay the entire day if they would like.

Consider The Option Of Cremation

If the final decision is up to you, you may want to consider the option of cremation instead of a burial. This saves a lot of money because you do not have to purchase some of the items that are usually associated with being the most expensive parts of funeral planning. With a cremation, you will not need to purchase a casket, a burial plot, or a headstone. You may want to purchase a beautiful urn to store the ashes of your loved one in, but that expense can wait if you are really tight on cash at the moment. The funeral home director will give you a nice box that is suitable for the holding of the ashes until you are able to afford something else.

Stick To The Basics

If you are planning to purchase a casket and headstone, you might want to stick with the basics instead of purchasing fancy things that will cost a lot more money. For example, instead of worrying about how silky the fabric is inside of the casket, focus on the quality of the wood or metal itself. Instead of a tall headstone with a picture of the deceased, you can opt for a plain flat grave marker that will still give the important information such as the name, birth date, and date of passing of your loved one.

With just those three suggestions in mind, you should have a much easier time figuring out how to save on the cost of the funeral that you are planning. For more information, contact services such as Final Care Cremation Services.


2023© Choosing The Right Funeral Home
About Me
Choosing The Right Funeral Home

After my brother died, I started exploring my options as far as funeral homes went. I wanted to find a place that was kind, generous, and incredibly comfortable for my family. I wanted to find a funeral home that didn't have time restrictions on funeral services since I knew it might take quite some time. I finally found an amazing place that really offered every service I could ask for, and they were really awesome to work with. We were able to plan a service that truly reflected my wonderful brother and met his final wishes. Check out this blog for more information on finding the right funeral home for your services.