Choosing The Right Funeral Home

Choosing The Right Funeral Home

Choosing Between Flat And Upright Memorial Grave Markers

Derek Murphy

One of the most distinct characteristics of a grave marker is whether it is an upright or flat type. Given the cost of a memorial marker, it is important to put a great deal of time into considering the benefits of each option to determine which would be the best option to memorialize loved ones who have passed on.

Consult With The Cemetary

Before determining which type you will choose, check with the regulations of the cemetary. A particular cemetary might have requirements regarding the dimensions of the memorial grave marker.

Consider The Dimensions And Weight

Upright headstones are larger than flat grave markers. Upright headstones are usually about 42 inches long and 13 inches wide. Flat markers are 24 inches long and 12 inches wide. Therefore, your spacing requirements may influence the type of memorial marker you will use.

There is a tremendous difference between the size of an upright headstone vs. a flat headstone. Upright headstones are 230 pounds on average, while flat grave markers are about 18 pounds. Flat granite markers are heavier, at about 130 pounds, but still lighter than upright headstones. Bronze are the lightest and weigh 3 pounds.

Factor In The Price

Flat granite markers tend to be the least expensive. A flat marker can be as little as $100. Meanwhile, an upright grave marker can cost thousands of dollars. 

Decide Whether You Would Like To Be More Traditional

While upright grave markers are often more expensive and heavier than flat grave markers, they are still the most common grave marker used today and are considered to be the most traditional. The use of upright grave markers dates back to early American and European colonies where stones were used to mark the location where an individual was buried and where details about the individual's life were inscribed on the stone.

Flat stones are more contemporary, but are considered by many to be more elegant. They are flush with the ground or are raised only a few inches above the ground. However, they can look very similar to other flat stones in the graveyard. Carved tombstones can often have much more unique designs.

Look At Slanted Stones Too

One variation of the flat stone is the slanted stone. This is a stone that is raised higher on one side. This makes it easier to read the inscription. They either sit on a granite stone base or rest on the ground.

For more information on your options, contact a company like An Thiel Monuments.


2023© Choosing The Right Funeral Home
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Choosing The Right Funeral Home

After my brother died, I started exploring my options as far as funeral homes went. I wanted to find a place that was kind, generous, and incredibly comfortable for my family. I wanted to find a funeral home that didn't have time restrictions on funeral services since I knew it might take quite some time. I finally found an amazing place that really offered every service I could ask for, and they were really awesome to work with. We were able to plan a service that truly reflected my wonderful brother and met his final wishes. Check out this blog for more information on finding the right funeral home for your services.